Wednesday, September 2, 2009

plants DO clean the air!

The US Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, currently ranks indoor pollution as one of the top threats to public health. The "sick building syndrome" can cause an array of health issues among susceptible office workers like allergies, asthma, fatigue and nervous system disorders (scary!!!!).

The EPA is also concerned about residential indoor pollution, a problem largely overlooked by homeowners.

Costa Farms is trying to change that.

Costa Farms is one the country's largest nursery/growers in Homestead Florida. In an attempt to raise awareness of the hazards of indoor air pollution- they have created a website called; and have started to push a public education campaign called O2 For You.

Plants to the rescue! Plants produce oxygen. They clean the air of pollutants. Many homes are poorly ventilated- especially here in Florida, where we live in artificially controlled climates most of the year. Closed windows and doors trap a variety of toxic fumes and off gases from upholstery, cleaning supplies, paints and thinners, plywood, particle board, MDF (think Ikea furniture!!!!) and adhesives.

NASA research has proven that the houseplant does in fact, clean air. Check out the list of plants that effectively help eradicate the air of specific and general toxins.

Start clearing the air. Buy plants!!!!

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